Apple's First Foldable Device May be a Flip-style iPhone, Likely to Unveil in 2026

Usama Rasool

There has been talk of a foldable iPhone on the internet for ages. Of course, nothing of that sort ever made it out. But it is closer now than ever before. In 2026, we may finally witness a flip-style device made officially by Apple, contrary to the belief that Apple’s first will be a book-style fold. 

DigiTimes reported it in one of their posts. Apple’s first fold mocking the Galaxy Z Fold 6 was a good guess. But that doesn’t seem to be the case. Apple may dip its toes in the flip phone market first. And they may have already started researching and developing one.

Two years is the typical duration for Apple from the start of a project to its official launch. If they have begun R&D for a Flip phone, 2026 is a good guess for its release. Another hint was a recent leak about the iPhone and Samsung’s contract for foldable displays.


Their report alleges that the flip device is close to the dimensions of current iPhones. Many of you may have heard that their first foldable will be an iPad, and that may have been the case. Folks at DigiTimes believe they’ve changed strategies due to Apple’s challenging state in the Chinese market.

There was no tangible evidence of those claims, so we remain skeptical. We advise you not to take this report as is. And wait until an official source confirms it. Still, Apple’s step into the foldable realm seems inevitable, and we are open to a few years of wait.  
