Huawei Wants to Commercialize the World's First Triple Folding Phone Within 2 Months

Usama Rasool

Huawei has always been the one to commercialize its prototypes and concepts fast. That’s one of the things we love about them; they don’t hold back on innovation. We hear they have the world’s first triple folding phone in production, and there’s a launch coming in almost two months.

Fixed Focus Digital is the source for today’s leak. On Weibo, this user claims a tri-folding device is imminent in the second half of 2024. They have a track record for credible reports, so we find no reason to doubt their claims. And from what the post describes. It will be expensive.

Of course, they first want to study the market’s reaction to this new type of foldable device. So, it will probably be a test run. Small qualities and high price will be their initial strategy. And from the looks of it, they will keep it domestic until it proves its strength.

Come to think of it. There is a lot of potential here. This tri-folding device can compete on three separate turfs. One of those can be the tablet market. The others will be folding phones and standard chocolate bar handsets. This tech feels unreal, but Huawei has been working on it for a long stretch. 

Patents for this prototype are three years old at this point. They date back to 2021. There’s a 10” foldable OLED there and two hinges within. And it can fold in three stages in a Z-shape. The mechanics to make this device work are a marvel of engineering. So, the expected high pricing makes sense. 
